
Good Habits for the New Year

Travelers, try these great ideas for 2025.

Many of us look to January as a fresh start or new beginning and a chance for personal growth. As a traveler, your work hours and job are already extremely demanding. As a result, you’re often left with little opportunity for self-reflection and “me time.” What’s more, many people are often tempted to take on significant changes and challenges as part of their New Year resolutions. Take caution here, as lofty goals and huge undertakings often end up falling short of the ideal outcome. Simply put, many people feel more like a failure than a rockstar.

With a lifestyle that already requires so much change and adaptation, we would like to propose some ideas designed to inspire and almost guarantee successful outcomes. We’re not suggesting you do all of these at once, or even all of them. See what ideas speak to you, what things could you do and expect to feel better, more fulfilled, or even like you accomplished a small challenge? Pick one or two to start, and if it feels right, try them all. You choose your own path.

From the entire team at Go Healthcare Staffing, we wish you a very happy 2025 and hope these new habits get you off to great start.

1. Make your bed

Studies show that making your bed every day can lead to more productivity and greater happiness.

2. Random acts of kindness

Working day in and day out in the healthcare industry means kindness is likely your middle name. However, see how wonderful it can make you feel when you do something kind for someone with no job requirements.

3. Try something new

Keep this as simple or grand as you like. If you really want to try skydiving, by all means give it a shot. However, this can be extremely simple and easy to tackle. Think in terms of trying a new food, a puzzle, or hairstyle.

4. Start a gratitude journal

Journaling on a regular basis is a wonderful way to remind ourselves how to remain grateful. From hearing the birds chirp in the morning to unexpected bonus pay, this journal can help keep your heart full.

5. Write letters

Choose five people (friends, family, co-workers, teachers) and put pen to paper and send them a handwritten letter. This old school tradition is sure to be a win-win for you and the lucky recipients.

6. Streamline your bill paying

Set your bill payments on auto pay and sit back and enjoy the efficiency. No more writing checks, buying stamps and mailing envelopes. There’s less risk of check fraud and some companies give you a discount for electronic payments.

7. Create a 2025 photo journal

This will require a bit more commitment, but it will be well worth the effort. Compile a photo journal by taking one photo each day. Then when the year comes to a close, create a keepsake printed coffee table book to cherish the year’s memories.

8. Make a movie bucket list

Try a bucket list that you will complete by the end of 2024. Jot down 12 must see or see again movies and see if you can check them all off by December 31.

9. Try a theme

Rather than listing a bunch of resolutions for the New Year, try thinking of a theme that sets the stage for everything (or almost everything) you do. Let your imagination take you wherever it wants to go with this, serious, quirky, fun, romantic, etc. On a more practical side, you might choose “less waste” for a theme. Spend the year trying to waste less food, reduce your garbage output, reuse more plastic, and more.

10. Smile more

Simply smiling when you talk, walk, work, even when you are alone is a great way to feel good. What’s more, it helps with muscle memory and you will be more apt to smile more often.

Maybe you are ready to start a new adventure in the New Year with an assignment in a new state. Check out our latest openings here. Pick a place that looks exciting and give us a call at 844.916.8773 to get started!