
Team Member


Recruitment Manager


What is your favorite quote?

“If you’re not first, you’re last!”  

Where do you live/where are you from

I am from Arkansas and live in Conway, AR.

Do you have any pets?

Hazel, my fur baby, is a 2.5-year-old Mini Aussie full of energy and an attention seeker!

What do you like to do in your free time?

 When I am not home working, I am watching my sister play softball or hanging out with my family. I’ve loved softball since I was able to hold a bat and have played ever since.

What do you like about your current role?

When I was younger, I wanted to become a nurse so I could travel, during college I soon found out nursing was NOT for me. I love to recruit to help people live their dreams. Being on this side of things I still get to help people do what they love and travel while they do it. I am passionate about helping nurses rediscover why they love being a nurse!

How long have you been in staffing?

I have been in staffing for 2 years, but in the recruiter role for a little over a year!


Email:  hayle@gohealthcarestaffing.com

5 Star Testimonial – HAYLE is AMAZING

"Hayle is such an amazing recruiter! Anytime I have a question or reach out for help, she is always on the ball and gets back to me in the shortest time span possible. She’s super approachable, nice, understanding, and supports my decisions when it comes to being a travel nurse. I would recommend her to anybody looking to travel."
- Kendall